
Please see this page for presentation guidelines.


🎤 = short talk, ⚡ = lightning talk, 🎙️ = keynote

Time Speaker Affiliation Presentation

8:00 ✅/☕ Registration and Breakfast

8:25 👋 Joe Parker and Matt Pennell Welcome to SCalE Meeting 2024!

8:30 🎤 Julia Schwartzman USC Collectives as a unit of eco-evolutionary dynamics for marine bacteria

8:45 🎤 Jacob Steenwyck UCB Innovation, constraint, and the evolution of genetic networks

9:00 🎤 Karin Kram CSUDH SspA Plays a Large Role in Evolution of Escherichia coli in Long-Term Cultures 

9:15 Richard Wolff UCLA Pervasive selective sweeps across human gut microbiomes

9:20 Philip Woods Caltech Convergence and horizontal gene transfer drive the evolution of anaerobic methanotrophy in archaea

9:25 🎙️ Alexei Aravin Caltech The battles and cooperation between selfish genomic elements and host defense systems 

9:55 Peiwei Chen Caltech Adaptive piRNA pathway tuning tames recently expanded selfish genes

10:00 ☕/🪧 Coffee and Posters

10:45 🎤 Tom Naragon Caltech The entangling of the bank

11:00 🎤 Janis Liu USC Error rates in QST vs. FST comparisons depend on genetic architecture

11:15 🎤 Chris Fiscus UCI Landscape genomics and mutational load in Vitis arizonica

11:30 Daniel Olivares-Cordero USC Dysbiosis response in coral based on symbiont transmission mode

11:35 Tyler Inskeep UCR Quantifying the strength of natural selection on nematode gene expression

11:40 Dongmin (Ryan) Son UCSB X Chromosome Promoter Methylation and CpG Density in Mammalian Genomes

11:45 🎙️ Joe Parker Caltech The cellular substrate of evolutionary novelty

12:15 🌯/😋 Lunch, networking, and chance to view posters

1:15 🎤 Ilan Goldstein USC Loci that interact with fitness are widespread throughout the yeast genome

1:30 🎤 Arun Durvasula USC Accurate inference of population history in the presence of background selection

1:45 🎤 Chenlu Di UCLA Inference of fitness effects of mutations in non-coding regions of the human genome

2:00 Matt Pennell USC Unifying approaches from statistical genetics and phylogenetics for mapping phenotypes in structured populations

2:05 Jen-Yu Wang UCI How do structural variants evolve in Drosophila melanogaster populations?

2:10 Ugbad Farah UCSD Adaptive evolution of Nannochloropsis oceanica in multiple resource environments

2:15 🎙️ Doc Edge USC Revisiting Lewontin: Heritability within groups is uninformative about differences among groups

2:45 ☕/🪧 Coffee and Posters

3:30 🎤 Diana Aguilar Gomez UCLA Genetic Rescue, Selection, and Conservation: Insights from Florida’s Puma Whole-Genome Sequencing Analysis

3:45 🎤 Chris Clark UCR Behavioral Genomics of a hummingbird hybrid zone

4:00 🎤 Rex (Daohan) Jiang USC Genetic and selective constraints on the optimization of gene product diversity

4:15 Alex McElwee-Adame SDSU Evolutionary history and rhizosphere community dynamics during domestication in hops (Humulus lupulus L.)

4:20 James Fifer UCSD Genetic history of a human specialist mosquito

4:25 Jennalyn Resendez UCR Variation in centromere size between and within species of Formica ants determined from whole-genome sequencing data

4:30 🎙️ Carly Kenkel USC Ecological genomics of Caribbean acroporids in light of a demographic catastrophe

5:00 Meeting Adjourned


# Presenter Affiliation Presentation

1 🪧 Harsh Shukla UCI Roles of Transposable Elements in rewiring 3D genome architecture

2 🪧 Kayla Ly UCI The genetic architecture of transposable element-mediated heterochromatin formation in Drosophila melanogaster

3 🪧 Zita Gao UCI Long-range spatial interactions of transposable elements impose trans epigenetic effects

4 🪧 Mariana Harris UCLA Enrichment of hard sweeps on the X chromosome compared to autosomes in six Drosophila species

5 🪧 Shawn Yang USC Building chromosome regions to study genetics between genera

6 🪧 Tyler Inskeep UCR Quantifying the strength of natural selection on nematode gene expression

7 🪧 Diane Nguyen UCR Shifts in Seed Morphology: Insights from Half a Century of Evolution in Barley

8 🪧 Katalin Voss USC Using simulations to assess the performance of methods for B-cell clonal family assignment

9 🪧 Yixin Zhu USC A Comprehensive Evaluation of Long-read Whole-Genome Assembly Quality in the Immunoglobulin (IG) Loci Across Diverse Vertebrate Species

10 🪧 Jen-Yu Wang UCI The Evolution Trends of Structural Variants at A Large Population Scale

11 🪧 Jonathan Mah UCLA Inference of the demographic histories and selective effects of human gut commensal microbiota over the course of human history

12 🪧 Brennan Silva UCR The distribution of chromosomal rearrangements in Clarkia, section Myxocarpa

13 🪧 Joani Viliunas Caltech Evolutionary entrenchment of a myrmecophilous lifestyle: the metabolic basis of obligate parasitism in rove beetles

14 🪧 Can Li Caltech Study of the Developing Enteric Nervous System in Zebrafish

15 🪧 Rajesh Neupane UCR Understanding Genetic Basis of Adaptation of Wild Sunflowers in Southern California

16 🪧 Leila Lin UCI Prevalent fast evolution of genes involved in heterochromatin functions

17 🪧 Maria Elena de Bellard CSUN A Molecular Approach to Elasmobranch Nociception

18 🪧 Linlin Liu UCR Wind vs. Gravity: How Seed Dispersal Modes Affect the Level of Gene Flow Among Alpine Plants

19 🪧 Philip Woods Caltech Convergence and horizontal gene transfer drive the evolution of anaerobic methanotrophy in archaea

20 🪧 Dennis Manjaly Joshy UCSB Accelerated Cell type Evolution in the Human Brain

21 🪧 Alex Sumarli UCR Exploring genomic divergence between two sympatric stickleback ecotypes

22 🪧 Jennalyn Resendez UCR Variation in centromere size between and within species of Formica ants determined from whole-genome sequencing data

23 🪧 Daniel Pierce UCR The Genetic Architecture of Reproductive Barriers and Sexual Signals in Hybridizing Warblers

24 🪧 Nadje Najar UCR Genetic basis of Selasphorus hummingbird courtship display behaviors

25 🪧 Marcell Cadney UCSB Differential Patterns of Expression in High Runner Mouse Hippocampus

26 🪧 Daniela Zarate UCR Comparative linkage mapping to investigate synteny and recombination in social Vespida

27 🪧 Tina Soroudi UCI Extreme malleability in the organization of the NK homeobox cluster in the Diptera

28 🪧 Peiwei Chen Caltech Evolutionary tuning of genome defense capacities enables the control of expanding meiotic drivers